
Alex's big summer

There are many milestones in a child's life. Alex hit three of them in one day last week. First, he has been working on riding a two-wheel bike. He finally got up without help. Now it is all he wants to do.

On the same day he tied his shoes for the first time.

He has also been learning to read. I (Adam) have been taking him through a course recommended to us by several friends, and he has been doing wonderfully! He is currently reading at about a first-grade level, and seeing words everywhere he looks. It is fun to watch him stare at a sign or a book, move his lips a little, and blurt out the right word.

It amazes me that anyone ever learns to read. It really is like cracking a secret code. So much meaning, so many exceptions, so many rules. It is cool to think that Alex (and Allison too, next year) will never know a time when he could not read. Our times reading have been some of the best he and I have had as dad and kid.

Anne reports that just the other day Alex read all of "Green Eggs and Ham", in about an hour. Amazing.

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