
Big Weekend

This weekend Portland Metro will be holding our first student leadership summit of the year. This is a time for our staff team to gather students together from all over the city to train, align, and encourage them in the things God has called them to on their campuses.

Please, please pray for this time, which will happen on Saturday. We are rolling out a few changes to our ministry this year that we really believe will make a substantial difference in how effective our ministries are in this very unreached city.

I don't want to give anything away yet, so I will share much more next week about our content. Know that we will talk a great deal about a new (to us) philosophy of evangelism, using Colossians 4:2-6 as a model, and we will be emphasizing prayer at a level that we have not in the past.

We expect anywhere from 20 to 40 students to show up. If that number seems low to you, it should. To accomplish our mission of reaching every student on every campus, we will need to see God raise up far more than that. Saturday's leadership time is a crucial step in seeing that happen.

So, please pray for the time!

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