
Clackamas Community College

Friday our team went to Clackamas Community College in Oregon City. We have had a strong group there on years past, but all our student leaders transfered out at the end of last year and we have been looking at relaunching a ministry there.

So, eight of us traveled to campus for a Freshman Orientation and club fair. We gave away over 100 Freshman Survival Kits in one hour, and talked to many more students about Jesus and about involvement with Campus Crusade.

On the survey card we did with the FSKs, we asked a question, "Would you be interested in starting and leading a ministry here on campus?" About 15 students said they would be interested. So, in the coming days our team will be following them up with appointments and working to put together a leadership team.

Please pray for Clackamas Community College. It has always been one of our strongest community college ministries. Restarting a group is no big deal (it happens all the time), but pray that God would bring the right students to lead it. That makes all the difference between a good group that represents Christ well on campus, and a group that never gets going and folds in on itself in a short time.

I will update as our team follows up with the potential new leaders.

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